Jagga Napi
LAND Conversion For MALPOT मालपोत जग्गा नापि
Nepali land converter converts Nepali based land area from Square Meter (sq. mt.) to Bigha, Kattha, Dhur. It also converts land area Square Meter to Ropani, Aana, Paisa, Daam. This application is best for the land area conversion from MALPOT office data to local units.
Nepali LAND Conversion - Single Unit
SQ. METER - (बर्ग मिटर) | |
SQ. FOOT - (बर्ग फुट) | |
BIGAHA - (बिगाहा) | |
KATHHA - (कठ्ठा) | |
DHUR - (धुर) | |
ROPANI - (रोपनी) | |
AANA - (आना) | |
POISA - (पैसा) | |
DAAM - (दाम) |

Jagga Napi is a Nepalese customary units of measurement designed to Convert Nepali based land area into - BIGHA, ROPANI, AANA, POISA & DAAM in single input and it also converts to square meter.
Nepal has its own land measurement units far before the Standard Unit system developed. " JAGGA NAAPI" Nepali Land Measurement Converter is simple tools designed to Convert Nepali based area conversions. In Kathmandu and Hilly region, the area of land is calculated on treditional basis i.e Ropani , Aana, Poisa, Daam unit whereas in Terai region, the area of land is calculated in Bigha, Kathha and Dhur .Many people face problems while converting from Hilly system (Kathmandu) to Terai System. It is simple System where you can calculate from Hilly measuring systems to Terai measuring system and Vice versa in a single input.
Bigha, Kattha, Dhur, Ropani, Aana, Paisa, Daam are the units used for measuring are of land in Nepal. Under the Nepali land measurement system, 1 Daam is equivalent to 1.99m 2 or 21.39 sq. feet, is the lowest unit of measurement. 1 Paisa is equivalent to 4 Daam, 7.95m2, and 85.56 sq. feet. Similarly, 1 Aana is equivalent to 4 Paisa, 31.80m2, and 342.25 sq. feet. 1 Ropani is equivalent to 16 Aana, 508.72m2, 5476 sq. feet, and 4 Matomuri. Similarly, 1 Dhur is equivalent to 16.93m2, 182.25 sq. feet. 1 Kattha is equivalent to 20 Dhur, 338.63m2, 3,645 sq. feet. Similarly, 1 Bigha is equivalent to 20 Kattha, which is equivalent to 6,772.63m2, 72,900 sq. feet, and 13.31 Ropani. Mostly in Kathmandu, the system of Aana is pretty popular, whereas in the other part of the country the Dhur and Kattha system is popular. Similarly, there's local measurement system for length too. 1 Gaj is equivalent to 0.9144m, and equivalent to 1 yard. Similarly, 1 Kosh is equivalent to 480 Danda, which is equivalent to 3.218 KM, and 2 mile. Similarly, 1 Janjeer is equivalent to 9 Haat. 1 Daanda is equivalent to 4 Haat. 1 Haat is equivalent to 2 Bitta. And, 1 Bitta is equivalent to 18 Angul. So far you might have depth understanding about the land measurement in Nepal. The lowest measurement unit is Daam and the highest measurement unit is Ropani (or Khetmuri).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Jagga Napi ?
Jagga Napi is designed to Convert Nepali based land area into - sq. meter, Bigha, Kattha, Dhur, Ropani, Aana, Paisa, Daam.
How to use Jagga Napi ?
There are two section in this application the first section is for single input of sqare meter which converts the square meter into Ropani , Aana, Poisa, Daam and Bigha, Kathha, Dhur. The second section is for single unit conversion which converts given input unit to a single unit conversion.
Jagga Napi is for
- land measurement in nepal
- jagga sambandhi jankari
- 1 katha = ana
- 1 kattha in square meter in nepal
- jagga nap jach
- jagga napne scale
- jagga measurement
- nepali land converter app
- jagga nap
- jagga sambandhi jankari
- sq meter to kattha
- sq meter to aana
- sq meter to sq feet
- sq meter to dhur
- sq meter to ropani
- jagga napne
- jagga naapi app
- jagga napne apps
- jagga naapne sajilo tarika
- jagga naapi nepal
- land napi
- land measurement in nepal
- land converter
- land converter in nepal
- napi calculator
- sq meter to anna
- sq meter to bigha
- sq meter to meter
- sq meter into aana
- sq meter to katha