- If you are not sure of your Nepali Birth Date -
- Only know birth date in English Date AD (Anno Domini - इस्वी सम्बत) go to AGE CONVERTER for age calculation.
- you can CONVERT DATE from AD (Anno Domini - इस्वी सम्बत) to BS (Bikram Sambat)
- Are you looking for age between two specific dates, "Time Gap Calculator" may help you.

While submitting a resume for government job or private job they restrict the age barrier with current age. In such cases most of we got confused or no idea to get the age in current or today date format.
We have created this tools to help the hassle. Further more, the tools have DATE-1 and DATE-2 which are manual inputs in which you can have the age of any two dates beyound our limitations. This calculater also works as Nepali age converter from all your living time to Year Month and Day
We have created this tools to help the hassle. Further more, the tools have DATE-1 and DATE-2 which are manual inputs in which you can have the age of any two dates beyound our limitations. This calculater also works as Nepali age converter from all your living time to Year Month and Day
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Nepali age calculater ?
Nepali age calculater is a online web tools to calculate Nepali age. It simply calculates the age of Bikram sambat (BS) calander.
How Nepali age calculater works ?
We have developed a set of codes to calculate the Nepali age. It calculates the age from Nepali birth date in year month and day format.
How to use Nepali age calculator ?
There are three input section Year, month, and day. Put your biryhday and do calculate. The system will result your current age in today age format.
What are the uses of Nepali age calculator ?
The Nepali age calculator is used for calculating the current age for different job vaccancy. It helps to calculate the age of projects, works, or things in current age format.
Nepali age calculator is for
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- How do I manually calculate my age?
- How do you calculate age in mm dd yyyy?
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- my age
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- how old i am today
- Age calculator Nepal
- nepali age calculator online
- Nepali (Bikram Sambat, BS)